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 Server Commands

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Posts : 258
Join date : 2010-07-01
Age : 28
Location : Minecraft

Server Commands Empty
PostSubject: Server Commands   Server Commands I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 11:52 am

Sorted by rank.

/about - Displays Server Data, Including Version Number
/away <message> - Set yourself to AFK with message (message not required) or just /away to return.
/air - Places a White Block underneath you for Mid-Air building.
/bank - First Use: Creates an Account, Afterwards displays the balance of your Account.
/bind <blockname1> <blockname2> - Binds block 2 to block 1 (ex. /bind stone water will make the stone block place water block). Excludes Active Water and Lava, saved for Op+.
/bind <blockname1> - Unbinds block.
/c - Clears your Inbox of messages.
/cmdlist - Displays list of Commands.
/goto <x y z> - Teleports you to those coordinates.
/help - Self-Explanatory.
/home - Returns you to map Default.
/i - Try it for yourself.
/inbox - Checks your Inbox for messages.
/join <mapname> - Sends you to the map.
/l <mapname> - Sends you to the map.
/me <message> - Used for roleplaying. (ex. /me runs frantically away. = *Rils runs frantically away. )
/mute <username> - Mutes the user so that you do not receive messages from them.
/muted - Shows which users you have muted.
/paint - Enable/Disable paint mode (destroyed block is replaced with held block.
/pay <username> <amount> - Sends money to the user.
/punch <username> by <bodypart> - Displays a message of you punching the player in the bodypart you chose. Defaults to face. Ex: Rils punched Bidoof_King in the balls.
/puse <on/off> - Lets you disable or enable if you're effected by portals.
/roll <number greater than -1> - Rolls a dice with that number sides.
/ruler - Set 2 blocks, measures the distances between them.
/s <username> - Sends a message to the User's inbox.
/slap <username> - Displays a message of you slapping the player with a trout. Ex: Rils slaps Bidoof_King with a giant smelly trout!
/staff - Displays the Staff of the server; Ops, Mods, Admins, and Directors.
/status - Displays the Name, Dimension, Modes, Events, Ops, and Builders of the map you're in.
/templates - Displays map templates used for creating new maps.
/tp <username> - Teleports you to the user's location.
/unmute <username> - Removes mute on user.
/where - Displays your current coordinates.
/who - Displays users in the server.
/who <username> - Displays the user's Rank, Status (Online/Offline), Location, IP (Admins and
Directors only), and Balance.
/worlds - Displays worlds that are Online and Offline.
/zlist - Displays list of Zones on current map.
/zshow <zonename> - Shows a boundary for the zone in the map.

/bhb <blockname> - Set 2 blocks, creates a hollow box between them.
/blb <blockname> - Set 2 blocks, creates a filled box between them.
/copy - Set 2 blocks, copies the blocks between them (requires Physics to be On).
/mb <message> - Turns next block or deleted block into a message block with that message.
/mbdel - Deletes message block upon building a block in its place, or deleting it.
/mbdelend - Ends message block deletion mode.
/mbend - Ends message block placing mode.
/paste - Set 1 block. Pastes from the copied point closest to 0,0,0 on the map. Be very careful, Air Blocks are also pasted.
/replace <blockname1> <blockname2> - Set 2 blocks, replaces all of blockname1 with blockname2 within the 2 blocks.
/tree <on/off> - Builds trees from logs. Save the earth!


/backup <mapname> - Makes a Backup copy of the Map.
/banish <username> - Banishes the user to the default world.
/rank builder <username> - Sets a player to builder.
/derank builder <username> - Removes Builder from User.
/colors <on/off> - Enables or Disables Username colors in the current map.
/dune - Set 2 blocks, creates a sand dune between them.
/fetch <username> - Teleport the specified player to you.
/fwater <on/off> - Enables or Disables [[[Finite Water]]] in the map.
/hide - Become invisible or visible to other players. Displays a message saying you have gone offline.
/hill - Set 2 Blocks, Creates a dirt and grass hill between them.
/hole - Set 2 Blocks, Creates a hole between them.
/lake - Set 2 Blocks, Creates a lake between them.
/lock <on/off> - Locks or Unlocks the world, Guests can build on Unlocked worlds.
/mbshow - Displays all message block as one color block, even ones made of air.
/mountain <blockname> - Set 2 Blocks, Creates a mountain between them of the block type specified.
/pclear - Removes all portals from the map.
/pdel - Deletes portal upon building a block in its place, or deleting it.
/pdelend - Ends portal deletion mode.
/pend - Ends portal placing mode.
/phere - Turns next block or deleted block into a portal with the point you are standing as the destination.
/pit - Set 2 Blocks, creates a lava pit between them.
/private <on/off> - Enables or Disable Private status of the world. Disallows lesser beings from seeing and joining.
/pshow - Displays all portals as one color block, even ones made of air.
/restore <backup number> - Restore current map to revision number. /restore alone will list number of backups (highest number is latest backup.)
/setspawn - Set the spawn point for the current level where you are standing.
/solid - Enable or Disable adminicrete building mode.
/solids <on/off> - Enable or Disable adminicrete building in the map.
/spectate <username> - Follow a user.
/sphere <blockname> <radius> - Set 1 block, creates a sphere in the block type with the radius defined.
/tnt <on/off> - Enable or Disable tnt blocks you place to explode.
/unflood - Slowly removes all water and lava from map.
/zclear <zonename> - Clears everything within the zone.
/zlist - Displays list of Zones.
/znew <zonename> <user/rank> <rankname> - Creates a new zone.

User - /znew <zonename> user then /zone <zonename> add <username>
Rank - /znew <zonename> rank <rankname>

/zone <zonename> - Shows users allowed to build in zone. Also used to add or remove users.
/zone <zonename> <add/remove> <username>
/zones <on/off> - Enable or Disable the ability to create zones in a map.
/zremove <zonename> - Deletes the Zone.

/boot <mapname> - Brings map online.
/derank op <username> - Removes OP status from user in current map.
/rank op <username> - Gives OP status to user in current map.
/desilence <username> - Removes Global mute from user.
/kick <username> - Kicks user out of the server.
/rename <mapname> <newmapname> - Renames a map while it is shutdown.
/say <message> - Displays a message in server colors for everyone to see.
/shutdown <mapname> - Takes map offline.
/silence <username> - Add Global mute to user.
/spec <username> - Gives Spectator status to user.
/unspec <username> - Removes Spectator status from user.


/ban <username> <reason> - Bans a user from the server.
/banb <username> <reason> - Bans a user from the server using their name and IP.
/banreason <username> - Displays the reason for the user's ban.
/new <mapname> <templatename> - Creates a new world based on those parameters.
/overload <username> - Truly Devious. Sends the data for a huge map to the user, thus forcing them to disconnect.
/physics <on/off> - Enable or Disable physics in the current map.
/plr <pluginname> - Restarts the plugin.
/reboot <mapname> - Shuts down then boots the map.
/u <message> - Displays a nice big red urgent message for everyone to see.
/unban <username> - Unbans user.

Director Only
/rank admin <username> - Gives Admin status to user.
/derank admin <username> - Removes Admin status from user.
/derank mod <username> - Removes Mod status to user.
/rank mod <username> - Gives Mod status to user.
/ipban <username> <reason> - Bans a player from the server using their IP Address.
/ipreason <username> - Displays reason for IP Ban.
/pll <pluginname> - Loads Plugin.
/plu <pluginname> - Unloads Plugin.
/unbanip <ipaddress> - Unban an Ip.
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