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 Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines

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Posts : 258
Join date : 2010-07-01
Age : 28
Location : Minecraft

Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines   Forum Rules and Posting Guidelines I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 11:21 am

These forums are very loose, but they do have some rules you must adhere to.

1. Nothing innappropriate. No porn, no shock pics, no inappropriate language, etc.

2. Language must be clean. Damn, hell, etc. are fine, but the f bomb can not be dropped, and s-h-i-t eill be censored,

3. Be generally nice. If you hate somebody, go ahead and hate them. But don't attack them for no reason. Don't get in a public flame war. Keep it in PM if you must.

4. PM has no limits. If you don't care, then anything is fine in PM. If two users share porn through PM, nobody cares. As long as it doesn't become public, nobody cares. But if you PM a person shock images for no reason, and spam their PM inbox, that will result in a warning, or possibly a ban, depending upon severity.

5. Links are fine. Basically any links are fine, except for traps, like rickroll or mudkipz. If it has a song that drops the f-bomb, then it's fine. As long as it's relatively appropriate, then it will be fine.

6. User information. I'm going to try and stay legal, and adhere to COPPA as much as possible, but if you don't sue, then it's okay.

7. Signatures are good. Everybody knows that. But please, only small user bars as images, and please keep it vertically small, so it doesn't stretch.

By posting on this forum, you agree to the above rules. Anything can be punished, even if it is not listed here. Punishment is at the discretion of the punisher.
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